Wednesday 16 February 2011

Ideology and Music

All musical genres have an ideology: a set of ideas and values that fit the genre. Claude Levi-Straus's theory of binary oppositions applies here. in western cultrue we often think in pairs of ideas that oppose each other eg love/hate and war/peace.

General Ideologies

  • more conformist
  • slick
  • butter produced
  • conscious of good image
  • less obviously sexual/euphimistic
  • nodrugs/alcohol or veiled references
  • more passive
  • apolitical
  • universal messages for all
  • mass audiences
  • mainstream
  • prosocail
  • non violent
  • no swearing
  • conspicous wealth
  • about love


  • more rebellious
  • rawer
  • less over produced
  • (pretend to) not care about their image
  • sexual
  • open drug/alcohol references
  • more aggressive
  • political
  • about the artists
  • self expression
  • self indulgent
  • niche audiences
  • outside mainstream
  • violence
  • antisocial
  • swearing
  • act poor
  • less about love

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