For my photoshoot I will be required to consider each of the dangers and hazards which may occur during the shoot. One main concern is that the majority of my shoot will be in an outdoor environment. Below is the most important hazrds and the procedures that I will follow so as to prevent or minimise the risk of any happening.
Traveling to, from and around the photo shoot locations.
Walking to and from the locations could pose a potential hazard due to traffic on the roads. To overcome or prevent anything from happening here we will take extra care when crossing roads, small or busy and make sure that we are observant of any imminent dangers. We will also, as a precaution, prior to the shoot, note the locations of each crossing on the route to shoot locations so that we can plan a safer route.
Possibility of falling or tripping.
The locations of my photographs are in an outdoor environment so the possibility of tripping of falling will need to be carefully monitored. To ensure the best way to avoid accidents such as this we will, as a group, visit each location prior to the shoot, so as to note any evident obstructions or such which could threaten the possibility of a fall or injury. I will post at a later date these potential obstructions.
Lost Member of group (stranger danger)
To ensure the most prestigious care is taken when out as a group we will ensure that each member of the group is aware of one another so that any missing member will be able to be noticed as soon as possible. We will also ensure that each member has a contact number and that I will hold an emergency number for each member also.