Monday, 9 May 2011

Evaluation Part 6 - What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

My magazine, compared to the readership of Q magazine, with the style I am hoping to follow, has a mass audience but in much smaller numbers. This is because I hope to attract a predominantly female audience. Q magazine is published and distributed by Bauer Media Group, a German based publishing house. The company works in the UK and 14 other countries, due to this I feel that a company with such a stand in the media industry would be ideal for magazine publishing. However I feel that due to my magazine only being published and distributed in the UK and that it is mainly aimed at a fairly small mass audience such a company would be unsuitable for my magazine. I feel this because a smaller publishing company would ensure that my magazine did reach all of my target audience. A lot of smaller magazines don't get the attention or coverage they require to be successful because their distributors fail to distribute to the areas which may allow the magazine to sell more copies to their target audience. I feel that I would go to a small independent publisher and distributor as it will hopefully boost sales in the long run as many of the areas which would not receive the magazine initially therefore extending the readership further than it would have done at first. From research I have found a variety of small independent publishing houses such as Dowse Independent Press, 328 Media Ltd, National Magazines and Anthem Publishing Ltd. These smaller companies I feel would be better and more accepting of a new venture of a music magazine and allow the magazine to flourish.

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