Tuesday, 10 May 2011

Evaluation Part 7 - What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

For my magazine I was required to use a variety of different media technologies, such as a camera for my images, desktop publishing in the form of Microsoft Publisher to create my magazine and blogger as a form of communicating my magazine task and the processes I went through to complete the task. I used the internet to gather the information I needed for many of the tasks, such as the publishing house of the magazine Q I was using as a sort of template for my magazine. I cropped images to fit into the magazine better and to make it look more effective.

helped me communicate my process with the task with a selection of people including tutors, peers and the exmaining board.

A camera similar to this one allowed me to take the photographs I needed to complete the task of creating a visually exciting magazine.
The internet and search engines

Google allowed me to search the relevant information for my task so that I could complete it more accurately.

This let me complete the magazines, both the preliminary task and the final product.

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